Gregory Channon
Chief Geologist
Greg Channon is a geologist with 35 years of global oil and gas experience in a great variety of technical and leadership roles. Currently, his primary role is Chief Geologist for Elixir Energy, where he is overseeing technical operations in Mongolia and Queensland. He is also undertaking consulting roles in Alaska and Canada and is a Non-Executive Director of Xstate Resources Limited.
During his career, Greg has worked with a range of E&P companies, including Delhi, Santos, Fletcher Challenge Energy, Shell, Swift Energy, BrightOil and Pathfinder. He has lived and worked in Australia, New Zealand, USA, Hong Kong, China and Africa.
Greg has a large range of diverse oil and gas expertise, including exploration, operations, development, production, economics, commercial negotiations, new ventures, business development and IPO start-ups. He has sat on the Board of Directors of companies listed on the ASX, NYSE, TSX and HKSE.
Achitsan Buyannemekh
Country Manager
In 2016, Mr Achitsan briefly served as one of the deputy directors of Erdenes Methane LLC, a state-owned corporation pursuing coal bed methane exploration rights in Mongolia.
Mr Achitsan’s other notable achievements include teaching management for “Dual MBA” program at MUST (Mongolian University of Science and Technology) and NUU (National United University of Taiwan) from 2012-2015 and managing foreign relations for the Mongolian Wind Energy Association from 2012-2015.
He has a BA(Hons) and MBA from Cardiff Metropolitan University (previously known as University of Wales Institute, Cardiff or UWIC).
Tumurbaatar Zagar
Mr Tumurbaatar was the head of the Sharyn Gol coal mine from 1966 to 1973. From 1973-1979, he studied open pit mechanization and technology engineering in Russia and obtained degrees in both those subjects. Afterwards, he continued to work at Sharyn Gol coal mine as a mining and general engineer.
From 1991-2008 he served as the Deputy Director General, Policy and Planning Department at the Ministry of Fuel and Energy. He was also the General Director of the Mining Department at the Ministry of Mining and Geology.
In 2011 Tumurbaatar joined the Golden Horde team as a Senior Adviser, a role he still plays for Elixir.
Mr Tumurbaatar graduated from Polytechnic College of Ulaanbaatar in 1966.
Bayarsaikhan Zagdaa
Geophysical Supervisor
He is familiar with both 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional seismic procedures and has been in a supervisory position for most of his career. Liaison with local government officials has formed a routine part of the work he has done the past years, both in Mongolia and in Africa.
Mr Bayarsaikhan graduated from Kazakh Polytechnic Institute in 1990 with a Master’s degree in Technical Science. He joined the Elixir team in February 2019.
Australian Office
Unit 3B, Level 3
60 Hindmarsh Square
Adelaide, SA 5000
+61 08 7079 5610
Mongolian Office
GOH LLC, 13th Floor, Central Park Tower, Genden Street, Chinggis Avenue, Sukhbaatar District, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia